I have published the findings of my research in English, French and Danish, in academic, peer-reviewed journals and anthologies for academic and broader audiences alike.
Contributions to newspapers, online magazines, radio programmes and podcasts can be found under Media Contributions.
The Colonial Roots of Botany – Legacies of Empire in the Botanic Gardens of Oxford and Kew (2023)
Single-authored journal article in Museum Management and Curatorship vol. 38 issue 6: 696-712.
Ajouter et soustraire : décoloniser les espaces urbains au Cap et à Copenhague (2023)
Single-authored book chapter in the French anthology Dé-commémoration : Quand le monde déboulonne des statues et renomme des rues ed. by S. Gensburger and J. Wüstenberg, Éditions Fayard.
Ambivalent Art at the Tip of a Continent: The Zeitz MOCAA and its quest for global recognition (2023)
Single-authored book chapter in the anthology Global Art in Local Art Worlds: Changing Hierarchies of Value ed. by O. Salemink, A.S. Corrêa, J. Sejrup and V. Nielsen. Routledge: 77-99.
Global Art in Local Art Worlds: Changing Hierarchies of Value (2023)
Anthology ed. by O. Salemink, A.S. Corrêa, J. Sejrup and V. Nielsen, Routledge.
’What’s in a name?’ Gentænkning af genstandstekster på Pitt Rivers Museum (2022)
Journal article written in conversation with M. Thompson-Odlum in special issue of the Danish journal Jordens Folk: Samling på Verden 57 no. 2 ed. by K.M. Bach, M. Gabriel, U.H. Johnsen, V. Nielsen and C.M.S. Pallesen: 83-93.
Nye roller for gamle ting: Etnografiske samlingers samtidsrelevans i en verden i forandring (2022)
Co-authored introduction in special issue of the Danish anthropological journal Jordens Folk: Samling på Verden 57 no. 2 ed. by K.M. Bach, M. Gabriel, U.H. Johnsen, V. Nielsen and C.M.S. Pallesen: 2-10.
Botanikkens Koloniale Rødder – Kulturhistorisk formidling af plantesamlinger i Storbritanniens botaniske haver (2022)
Single-authored journal article in special issue of the Danish journal Kulturstudier 13 (2): 161-184.
How to Practice Decoloniality in Museums: A review of Practicing Decoloniality in Museums – A Guide with Global Examples by Csilla E. Ariese and Magdalena Wróblewska (2022)
Single-authored book review essay in tenth year anniversary edition of Museum Worlds: Advances in Research no. 10: 230-234.
Kunstbegrebets Koloniale Klassifikationer til Forhandling på Museer i Sydafrika (2021)
Single-authored journal article in the Danish journal Kulturstudier no. 1: 89-112
In the absence of Rhodes: decolonizing South African universities (2021)
Single-authored journal article in Ethnic and Racial Studies vol. 43 issue 3: 396-414.
Demanding Recognition: Curatorial Challenges in the Exhibition of Art from South Africa (2019)
PhD thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen.
Museale formidlinger af fortiden som kolonimagt på danske og britiske museer (2017)
Single-authored journal article in the Danish journal Slagmark no. 75: 81-94.
Coloured drawing of the plantation Bethlehem on St. Croix, photographed by R. Fortuna. Reproduced in agreement with the National Museum of Denmark (2507/1968).
Er kvinder særlig skikkede til lovgivningsvirksomhed? 100-året for kvinders valgret (2016)
Co-authored book chapter with M. Byriel-Thygesen and R. Tjørnehøj in Nationalmuseets Arbejdsmark published by the National Museum of Denmark: 274-287.
Banner from the Danish Women's Society (1897), photographed by A. Mikkelsen. Reproduced in agreement with the National Museum of Denmark (2154/1972).
Museale Formidlinger af Fortiden som Kolonimagt: En komparativ analyse af, hvordan danske og britiske museer formidler den internationale kolonihandel og dens nutidige konsekvenser (2015)
MA thesis, Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, University of Copenhagen.