Vibe Nielsen
Postdoctoral Researcher with international work experience gained through academic, curatorial and educational positions in museums, universities and cultural organisations.
Affiliated with the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek and the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies at the University of Copenhagen.
Associate Researcher at the Pitt Rivers Museum and Research Fellow at Linacre College, University of Oxford.
Postdoctoral Researcher in the Passion eller Politik? Carl Jacobsens kunstsamling i en socioøkonomisk og kulturpolitisk kontekst 1878-1914 funded by the Ny Carlsberg Foundation
Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek and the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, University of Copenhagen 2024-27
Pitt Rivers Museum and Linacre College, University of Oxford 2021-24 Main publications:
What's in a name? Gentænkning af genstandstekster på Pitt Rivers Museum (2022) in Jordens Folk
Nye roller for gamle ting: Etnografiske samlingers samtidsrelevans i en verden i forandring (2022)
Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen 2019-20
Main publications:
Diversifying Public Commemorations in Cape Town and Copenhagen (2023)
Ambivalent Art at the Tip of a Continent: The Zeitz MOCAA and its Quest for Global Recognition (2023)
In the absence of Rhodes: decolonizing South African universities (2021) in Ethnic and Racial Studies
Kunstbegrebets Koloniale Klassifikationer til forhandling på Museer i Sydafrika (2021) in Kulturstudier
Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen 2016-19
PhD thesis: Demanding Recognition: Curatorial Challenges in the Exhibition of Art from South Africa (2019)
Curator of Public Programmes
National Museum of Denmark 2015-16
Main publication:
Er kvinder særligt skikkede til lovgivningsvirksomhed? 100-året for kvinders valgret (2016) in Nationalmuseets Arbejdsmark
MA in Modern Culture
Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, University of Copenhagen 2013-15
Main publication:
Museale formidlinger af fortiden som kolonimagt på danske og britiske museer (2017) in Slagmark
Institute of Archaeology, University College London 2011-12
Saxo Institute, University of Copenhagen 2007-10